A woman's screams rang out in a Delhi slum colony late on Tuesday night and brought neighbours rushing out of their homes. They found the woman, Renu, lying on the floor in a pool of blood, her two-year-old son sitting nearby. Neighbours took the heavily bleeding woman to hospital in an auto-rickshaw but she was declared brought dead.
Renu, 26, was stabbed multiple times with a kitchen knife, allegedly by her husband Rajesh, in the presence of their infant son. The police have arrested Rajesh.
Relatives say that the couple fought constantly over Rajesh's unrelenting dowry harassment. Her family had even filed a police complaint in Chandigarh.
"The husband used to beat her up and her in-laws used to harass her over dowry. They also have a role to play in this. The matter was earlier reported to Chandigarh police station as well," Renu's cousin Sahdev Singh told news agency ANI.
The couple, married for four years, lived in a rented accommodation in the Khanpur JJ Colony in south Delhi. Neighbours say they used to spot Renu sometimes buying vegetables from the market.
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