Three robbers who escaped with Rs 27 lakh from a jewellery showroom in north west Delhi's Rohini on Tuesday, had 'advised' employees to not intervene with the robbery, otherwise they would be risking their lives, according to a senior police officer quoted by news agency Press Trust of India. Police suspect the gang of three robbers robbed another jewellery showroom on the same day in Delhi's Adarsh Nagar, where they shot the owner in cold blood in front of his 13-year-old son and a helper. The owner had attempted to catch hold of the robbers.
"For a few thousand of rupees that you earn, why would you risk your life. We are not here to harm you. Please let us do our job," one of the robbers had told the employees of the Rohini showroom in a 'friendly' tone, according to a police officer, quoted by news agency Press Trust of India.
The robbers didn't make any attempt to hide their faces and had visited the Rohini showroom a week prior to the crime to buy jewellery. In addition to stealing the valuables, the robbers had also taken the digital video recorder of the CCTV cameras, police officials said, according to a PTI report.
At around 3.55 pm, the robbers stopped their motorcycle outside the Adarsh Nagar showroom wearing helmets.
40-year-old Hemant Kaushal, the showroom owner, was teaching his 13-year-old son inside the shop, when the robbers took jewellery suspected to be worth Rs 10 lakh.
"The helper told police that the accused had made him lie to the ground while they were taking the valuables. Kaushal was inside the strong room and came out after the commotion," a police official said, according to PTI.
When Mr Kaushal attempted to catch hold of them, he was shot in the chest. Soon after the robbers escaped, Mr Kaushal was rushed to hospital, where he was declared dead.
Delhi police's Crime Branch and Special Cell officials today visited both the showrooms to ascertain whether both the robberies were carried out by the same gang.
(With Inputs From PTI)
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