Delhi Police collected over Rs 75 lakh from commuters for violating the "Odd-Even" car rationing scheme in the national capital, where it was in place from November 4-15, the Rajya Sabha was informed on Wednesday.
The Transport Department, Delhi government and Delhi Police have reported that after the newly amended Motor Vehicles Act-2019 came into effect from September 1, all traffic challans are forwarded to a virtual court or courts of regular metropolitan magistrates, as the case may be, for taking cognisance of traffic violations committed by the motorists, Minister of State in the Home Ministry G Kishan Reddy said in a written response.
"However, during the implementation of Odd-Even scheme with effect from November 4 to November 15, a total of Rs 75,24,000 was collected by Delhi Police from violators as compounding amount for violation of the "Odd-Even" scheme as powers to compound the violation of "Odd-Even" scheme was delegated to the officials of the Delhi Police by the Delhi government during implementation of the scheme," Mr Reddy stated.
The compounding amount so collected by Delhi Police was deposited in the account of the Transport Department and the Delhi government, he added.
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