Delhi Police today found the body parts of a woman near a flyover in Geeta Colony, an incident similar to the Shraddha Walkar murder case that shocked the country last year.
The police has launched a probe after finding the body of the woman chopped up into several pieces.
Last year, Shraddha Walkar, a 27-year-old call centre employee, was strangled by her live-in partner Aaftab Poonawala, who then chopped her body into 35 pieces and disposed of them in a forest over 18 days. He also stored some of the body parts in a fridge and charred her face to hide her identity.
The case came to light only six months later, when Walkar's father filed a missing persons complaint after failing to contact her for months. Aaftab Poonawala was arrested by the Delhi police and charged with murder and destruction of evidence.