The Delhi police department has shared a special note of appreciation for Ishita Rathi for her stellar performance in the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exams. Ms Rathi has secured 8th rank in the civil service exams, results for which were announced earlier this week.
Ms Rathi, whose parents are part of the Delhi Police, was felicitated by the Commissioner of Police, Rakesh Asthana on Thursday. In a video shared by the police department, Mr Asthana can be seen interacting with Ms Rathi as well as her parents, who work as the ASI [Assistant Sub-Inspector] and Head Constable in the police department.
“Delhi Police's “daughter” Ishita Rathi has secured 8th rank in UPSC Civil Services Examination (2021). Commissioner of Police Rakesh Asthana honoured Ishita today. Ishita's parents are working as ASI and Head Constable in Delhi Police. We are proud of Ishita's success,” the post read.
See the post here:
The UPSC civil service test is held annually to select officers for the Indian Foreign Service (IFS), Indian Police Service (IPS), and Indian Administrative Service (IAS) among other important positions.
This year, the first three ranks in the Civil Services Exam have been bagged by women. The rank list, comprising 685 candidates, was topped by Shruti Sharma. Ms Sharma is an alumna of St. Stephen's College, Delhi. She pursued her post-graduation at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU).
The second rank was bagged by Ankita Agarwal, who is Economics (Hons) graduate from Delhi University. Meanwhile, Gamini Singla, who got the third rank, has a computer science engineering degree from the Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh.