This Article is From Sep 13, 2012

Delhi shooting: She tried to hide behind cars till gunman caught her

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New Delhi: As a gunman opened fire at her, Meenakshi Rana tried to dodge the bullets by weaving through the traffic on the busy north-west Delhi road where she was travelling with her son to his school. She jumped out of the rickshaw she had hired in Rohini and hid behind cars and then trees, till the gunman found her. He shot at her six times; three bullets hit her.

That was yesterday. Today, the Delhi Police says it has arrested the shooter, a man identified as Sandeep.

His sister was married to Parwinder Rana. A few years ago, the couple separated, and Parwinder married Meenakshi. But he also reconciled with his first wife, and wanted to live with both women.

Sandeep repeatedly warned him to give up his second marriage.  

Then he set out from his village in nearby Haryana to kill Parwinder. When he didn't find his brother-in-law at his workplace, he decided to get rid of Meenakshi.

Because Sandeep was on a motorcycle, the police spoke to nearly 40 rickshaw drivers around the location where the alleged murder took place to find the one used by Meenakshi yesterday. Licence plate details for Sandeep's bike were gathered, and the police headed to his residence to pick him up. Meenakshi's rickshaw driver then identified Sandeep as the gunman on the basis of a photo. 