This Article is From Jun 14, 2012

Delhi swelters at 43 degrees, no respite on Friday

New Delhi: It was a hot Thursday in the capital with the maximum temperature climbing three notches above normal to 42.7 degrees Celsius. Friday is likely to be the same, according to the weather office.

The minimum temperature on Thursday was four notches above average at 31.8 degrees Celsius. Humidity had a high and low of 37 and 15 per cent, respectively.

The weather department forecast similar temperatures and mainly clear skies for Friday.

"Friday should have mainly clear skies with the maximum and minimum temperatures of 43 and 32 degrees Celsius, respectively," an official at the India Meteorological Department (IMD) told IANS.

Wednesday's maximum temperature was four notches above average at 43.2 degrees Celsius, while the minimum temperature at 30.4 degrees was three notches higher than normal.
