This Article is From May 15, 2014

Delhi: Two Businessmen Allegedly Robbed of Jewellery Worth Rs 1 Crore

New Delhi: A businessman and his friend who were carrying diamond jewellery worth over Rs.1 crore were robbed by three armed men here, police said on Thursday.

Also, a property dealer was robbed of Rs 29 lakh in a separate incident in east Delhi.

Diamond jewellery businessman Satish Kumar Shah, 55, was accompanied by his friend in a car when three men on a motorcycle intercepted them in central Delhi on Wednesday evening.

The bikers robbed them of diamond jewellery worth over Rs.1 crore at gun point and sped away.

Police said Shah had come to Delhi for a business deal and was returning after a meeting with another businessman from north west Delhi. He was staying at a hotel in Central Delhi.

In the second case, a 38-year-old property dealer was robbed of Rs.29 lakh at gun point by two bikers on Thursday when he stopped his car at a red light in Kalyanpuri in east Delhi.