Over one lakh students will today vote in the Delhi University Students' Union (DUSU) election, where 23 candidates from various student organisations are contesting for various central panel posts. Among the major organisations contesting DUSU election 2018 are National Students' Union of India - the student wing of the Congress party, Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad - affiliated with the RSS or Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Aam Aadmi Party's (AAP) Chhatra Yuva Sangharsh Samiti and Students Federation of India (SFI) - the student wing of the Communist Party of India (Marxist).
AAP's Chhatra Yuva Sangharsh Samiti is jointly contesting the elections with left-wing student outfit All India Students Association (AISA). The first-ever alliance between AISA and CYSS has emerged as a strong alternative ABVP and NSUI in Delhi University. While AISA will field candidates for the posts of president and vice-president, CYSS candidates will contest for the secretary and joint secretary posts.
The NSUI, looking to maintain their stronghold in 2018, has promised to get the "Institute of Eminence" tag for Delhi University and start food platters for Rs 10 in colleges. The ABVP has promised to spend 50 per cent of the student union's budget on women and social-justice related activities. The CYSS has promised to ensure installation of CCTV cameras, set up of police booths on campus and ending the "culture of hooliganism" if it were to be elected.
Delhi university students will visit their respective colleges to cast their vote, carrying their university identity card. Last year's student union election saw a turnout of 43 per cent. The votes will be counted on September 13, and will begin at 8:30 am in the Community Hall, Police Lines, Kingsway Camp, Delhi.
Here are the LIVE updates of the DUSU Elections 2018:
Abhigyan - President (AISA)
Anshika Singh- Vice President (AISA)
Chandramani Dev- Secretary (CYSS)
Sunny Tanwar- Joint Secretary (CYSS)
ABVP has promised to give special attention to promoting sports and installing sanitary pad vending machines on college campuses; AAP's Chhatra Yuva Sangharsh Samiti has promised to oppose commercialisation of education.
The Ballot is stronger than the Bullet.
- NSUI (@nsui) September 12, 2018
Cast your vote for violence free DU.#NSUI5313 #DUSU2018 pic.twitter.com/36j65WqnUO
ABVP Delhi released Sports Manifesto
- ABVP Delhi (@ABVPDelhi) September 12, 2018
For better infrastructure of Delhi University Sports complexes.#ABVP3572
Ankiv For President 3
Shakti For Vice President 5
Sudhir For Secretary 7
Jyoti For Joint Secretary 2 pic.twitter.com/c9eDEhyTxg
For evening colleges, voting will be held between 3 pm and 7:30 pm.