Delhi Commission for Women chief Swati Maliwal today said an "attacker entered my house" and vandalised her car. She shared a few photos of two damaged cars with cracked windshields on Twitter.
"One of the cars belonged to me and the other was my mother's. Thankfully, my mother and I were not at home, otherwise, I don't know what would have happened!" she tweeted.
"Whatever you do, I will not be afraid," the women's panel chief added.
After the police recieved the complaint, they detained a man, who they claimed seemed "mentally disturbed". In a video, the man, in a floral shirt and shorts, was seen dancing inside a police station.
"We received a call about a man who broke the windshields of Swati Maliwal's cars. On reaching, a police team found one person in shorts later identified as one Sachin. Two cars were vandalised. Ms Maliwal is out of station. And no other family member was also in the house," the police said.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal attacked Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena over the incident, saying "Even the chairperson of the Delhi Commission for Women is not safe".
"I hope that LG sahib will invest some time to fix the law-and-order situation," he tweeted in Hindi.
This comes days after she filed a police complaint alleging she has been getting rape threats on 'Instagram' after she wrote to the Centre demanding filmmaker Sajid Khan's ouster from the reality show Bigg Boss.
Swati Maliwal, in a letter to Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur on October 10, had said that several women had levelled allegations of sexual harassment against Mr Khan during the #MeToo movement.