A teenager allegedly hanged herself after her mother refused to give her Rs 10. The incident was reported from Govind Puri area of South East Delhi.
"16-year-old Rinku wanted to buy some eatables and had asked for money from her mother Babita. However, Babita refused and beat her up. Rinku then went inside her room and bolted the door. Sometime later her mother discovered her hanging from the ceiling. She informed her husband who called the police," said a senior police official.
The girl was rushed to AIIMS trauma centre where doctors declared her brought dead. "We have recorded the statement of the family and came to know about the argument between Rinku and her mother. Police have not recovered any suicide note from her possession," said the police official. The body has been handed over to her family members after postmortem.
"16-year-old Rinku wanted to buy some eatables and had asked for money from her mother Babita. However, Babita refused and beat her up. Rinku then went inside her room and bolted the door. Sometime later her mother discovered her hanging from the ceiling. She informed her husband who called the police," said a senior police official.
The girl was rushed to AIIMS trauma centre where doctors declared her brought dead. "We have recorded the statement of the family and came to know about the argument between Rinku and her mother. Police have not recovered any suicide note from her possession," said the police official. The body has been handed over to her family members after postmortem.