The Delhi Police on Saturday created a green corridor and helped Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital in the eastern part of the national capital to get an oxygen tanker, officials said.
The police received a call from a government-appointed nodal officer for transporting an oxygen tanker from Inox plant in Modinagar, they said.
Senior police official (Shahdara) contacted the DIG Police and SP Rural in Ghaziabad and coordinated the transportation with a police escort, a senior official said.
A team was also dispatched from GTB Enclave police station which met the UP Police team midway and took over the responsibility, they said.
The team escorted the tanker via the shortest possible route and reached the hospital within an hour, the officer added.
In the north district, police also came to rescue of Sant Parmanand Hospital by providing 71 oxygen cylinders after they received an SOS message.
On Friday, SHO of Civil Lines police station received a distress call from the hospital authorities, saying their oxygen supply has run out and they needed immediate help, officials said.
"The staff rushed to the hospital. Oxygen suppliers at Bawana and Mundka were asked to provide refilled oxygen cylinders. Thereafter, a team with two vehicles of the hospital carrying 40 empty oxygen cylinders was sent to Bawana refilling centre," senior police official (north) Anto Alphonse said.
Another vehicle carrying 31 empty cylinders was sent to Mundka refilling centre, police said.
The police escorted the two vehicles carrying 71 oxygen cylinders back to the hospital by providing a green corridor, they said.
Similarly, in southeast district, police helped a hospital in Lajpat Nagar to get oxygen cylinders.
"On Thursday, police received information that IBS Hospital was having a scarcity of oxygen cylinders. The lives of 40 COVID patients were at stake. Police arranged six oxygen cylinders from different locations and handed over to the hospital," senior police official (southeast) RP Meena said.
On Friday, authorities of IBS hospital also made a distress call to the police, saying there was a shortage of oxygen cylinders at their facility.
The police arranged six oxygen cylinders for the hospital. A green corridor was created by a team of Lajpat Nagar police station from Badarpur border to IBS Hospital for supplying the oxygen, Mr Meena added.