Appearing on the balcony of her South Delhi home today, Kiran Bedi used her iPad to take photos of the media crews gathered below. Ms Bedi, the BJP's chief Ministerial candidate, was quick to tweet that photo.
Here is scene outside my home at 7.30 Am. I don't think anyone can envy the media profession!
Kiran Bedi (@thekiranbedi) February 10, 2015
Exit polls have predicted that Ms Bedi, 64, will lose heavily today to Arvind Kejriwal of the Aam Admi Party or AAP, who has asked Delhi to give him a second chance and forgive his hasty decision to abort his last term as Chief Minister after just 49 days in office.
Ms Bedi has said that she rejects the findings of the polls, but has underscored that if the BJP, which she joined last month, loses the election, she will take responsibility for the results.
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