Delhi education minister Manish Sisodia's tweet brought cheer to many on social media today. The Arvind Kejriwal-led Delhi government had surprised students with a 'happiness class' after they came back from summer vacation last July. And today, Mr Sisodia posted on Twitter a unique feedback from children after six months.
The students feel happiness class is "needed for their parents to live stress-free life and have better family relations," Mr Sisodia tweeted.
Tagging a class room video posted by a Delhi government school teacher, Manu Gulati, Mr Sisodia said, "Inspiring outcomes of Happiness Class in Delhi government schools within 6 months"
A student in Ms Gulati's class said that she would like her parents to be part of a happiness class. "They are always worried about earning money, I want them to relax," said the student. Another student said that she "dislikes when her parents squabble over small issues" and maybe a happiness class would benefit them.
These students feel #HappinessClass needed for their parents also to live stress-free life and have better family relations. Amazing!
— Manish Sisodia (@msisodia) January 24, 2019
Inspiring outcomes of Happiness Class in #DelhiGovtSchools within 6 months.#DelhiEduReforms
The 'Happiness Curriculum' includes meditation, value education and mental exercises. It was designed by a team of 40 Delhi government teachers, educators and volunteers over a period of six months.
"The curriculum will include components that will instill self awareness and care, reduce stress and anxiety, help manage depression, build ability to focus on education and encourage creative thinking. Such a holistic approach in education will result in building healthy minds of our children... " said the Delhi Government Budget note of 2018-2019. The state government has allocated Rs 14,000 crore, which is around 26 per cent of the total budget for education.
After the launch of the 'Happiness Curriculum', Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, had said that there is a need to "overhaul" the education system. The 'Happiness Curriculum' is a "solid step" towards producing "good human beings", he said.
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