This Article is From Oct 02, 2013

Narendra Modi interacts with college students in Delhi

Oct 02, 2013 21:11 (IST)
Before I became Chief Minister, I wasn't even class monitor: Modi
Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi was in Delhi today, at an event where students from 200 colleges shared their ideas for change in India.
Oct 02, 2013 21:08 (IST)
Make toilets before temples: Narendra Modi tells students in Delhi
Narendra Modi told about 7000 students in the capital today, "My identity is of a Hindutvawadi, but I say build toilets before you build temples."
Oct 02, 2013 19:06 (IST)
Narendra Modi speaks:

  • When you discuss food security & malnutrion, you would have empathy towards a starving child or an underfed mother
  • During the presentation on north-east, I wondered whether so many people in Delhi had ever thought about the north-east
  • If I speak to you and not give a speech, it will do, won't it? I get many opportunities to make speeches but few to have conversations
  • I wanted women police from the north-east who could speak English -- for tourism policing
  • It was an exercise in national integration - having women police from the north-east in Gujarat
  • Gujaratis are the best tourists, wherever you go you could be greeted with a 'kemcho'.
  • Terrorism divides, tourism unites - it pulls people together.
  • This churning of ideas through the day happens in consultancies - it's a huge industry and governments pay big money.
  • This is a first, where people's participation in policy making is happening - crowdsourcing has now become popular.
  • Governments have a psychology of secrecy, I say you need openness for good governance.
  • In Gujarat, we keep draft policies online and invited every stakeholder to share views. By and large, policies beneficial to the state have evolved.
  • In country there is a great disconnect. People who think are in one place, those who implement are in another place and those it affects are at a totally different place.
  • We must have meeting of minds.
  • When the PM made me the chairman of a committee to suggest ways to tackle price rise, I gave him 62 actionable suggestions... I was reminded of some when I saw your presentation on Public Distribution System (PDS).
  • I had told him that we don't have real-time data - Indians are proving software solution to the world but we don't have data for our own food requirements
  • We don't have a problem solving attitude and we are mired in crisis. Is there a greater shame than the fact that women in India still have to defecate in the open?
  • My identity is of a hindutvawadi - but I say pehle shauchalaya phitr develaya (toilets before temples)
  • We are restricted to the budgetary outlay. We need to focus on the outcome, and move further to social audit.
  • In the days to come, people are not going to settle down where there are rivers or roads but where there is connectivity through optical fibre.
  • Quality of education can be improved with the use of technology
  • If we want to develop our agriculture, we need to stress on lab to land. We are using technology that is 200 years old.
  • In India, ITI offers course for plumbers, fitters but nothing on agriculture - need to develop skills in that sector
  • The youth of this country will not put up with corruption anymore. And technology can help curb corruption
  • Technology can help in transparency
  • Before I became Chief Minister, I had not even stood for being elected class monitor in school
  • The first thing I did after becoming Chief Minister was going to Bhuj and meeting earthquake victims
  • The World Bank says it takes 7 years to recover from a natural calamity - Kutch was up and running in three years.
  • We have the solutions to all our problems - we just need to channelise our efforts
  • Whether you are rich or poor is immaterial, you must have confidence in your abilities
  • In my family, no one knew the P of Politics... I used to sell tea on trains and today I stand here in front of you
  • Stop thinking where you come from. If you want to change the country, start walking and you will find a way
  • If you move forward with an attitude that gives and not takes, the world will be at your feet
  • I define secularism as nation first, India first
  • Justice to all, appeasement to none
  • There shouldn't be any votebank politics - a poor man is a poor man, where he prays is immaterial
  • Those who hoodwink the people have been caught out - this country is moving forward
  • This is the youngest country in the world - and I know what the power of youth is
  • The women should find their voice resonate in the decision-making process. We must make this 50 per cent population effective partners in their country's progress.
  • Under JNNURM, we should increase spending on solid waste management and water waste management. Villages near cities should be given organic fertilisers and we'd save on subsidy.
  • I told the PM, I told Mr Sam Pitroda - so many people I have given the suggestion - today I'm telling you... we decided to go ahead and implement this is 50 towns in Gujarat
  • I was asked by a journalist if there will be early polls - I said even to have early polls, the govt has to take a decision and this govt is famously indecisive
  • The right to vote is a very important event in one's life and we should feel that.
  • Matdata Bharat ka bhagya vidhata hai
  • Give us your suggestions on India's development on the website India 272 - and I assure you that those won't fall on deaf ears
  • There is no alternative to development - we must touch new heights in growth and development
Oct 02, 2013 13:04 (IST)
TDP chief Chandrababu Naidu speaks at the finale of Manthan at Thyagaraj Sports Complex in Delhi:

  • A day will come when India will be the super power in the world. That day is not far away.
  • Till 1991, except for a few years, the Congress ruled and the growth rate was 3-4 per cent. Narasimha Rao was in Congress. He got reforms, though not willingly.
  • There was UF and the NDA. They did a very good job and India became as one of best countries and India could do wonders.
  • That time I was the Chief Minister. Everyone talked about Andhra Pradesh. We prepared 2020 vision document. The state saw high growth.
  • After 2004, people talking about Gujarat. There is a total shift to Gujarat like it was for Hyderabad before.
  • Due to telecom revolution, world became a global village. In India, it was possible due to NDA.
  • What is growth today? This is a bad situation for all of us. And why has it happened?
  • Situation has gone back to pre-1991 era. UPA-I inherited UF and NDA policies. UPA-II inherited UPA-I.
  • They are busy looting. Things becoming worse. There is national crisis. We need to overcome this.
  • India has a bright future, it is full of youth.
  • Social fabric of India is also very good advantage for us.
  • By 2020, India will supersede China and will be the youngest country in the world.
  • Youth can do wonders if there are good leaders.
  • India has a very strong family structure; divorce is not common. Children live with their parents.
  • America has a loose family (structure), here we have strong bonds.
  • Human touch is the beauty of India.
  • We have knowledge, natural resources and a vibrant  democracy - but reform is necessary.
  • Elections will be held in 2014. It is up to you, how to use this opportunity. If we join together, India will be a superpower.
  • No corruption in India will result in no one poor in India. Ban 500, 1,000 rupee notes and all transactions must be through banks - we can eradicate 'hawala'.
  • Rahul Gandhi is aware of everything. Today he finds fault with the PM. Even the PM is a tool in the hands of Sonia Gandhi.
  • What did he do after the Supreme Court judgement? Because of all this, I say all this is a drama.
  • All the youth should be interested in politics and only then this country will change.
  • You have a historic opportunity in 2014 - to make India the most dominant force in the world.
  • Me & Modi ji are 60 plus...but you are young, future is yours.
Oct 02, 2013 11:36 (IST)
Narendra Modi's date with college students in Delhi, and a possible ally
Narendra Modi will today spend hours interacting with students at an event in the capital where he is expected to share the stage with Chandrababu Naidu. The event, organised on Mahatma Gandhi's birthday, will also feature leaders from various parties including the Congress, Trinamool and Left.
Oct 02, 2013 11:21 (IST)
Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi arrives in Delhi to attend Manthan Culmination Convention at Thyagraj Sports Complex.
