This Article is From Mar 21, 2019

On Holi, Delhi Cops Get 4,000 Calls For Arguments, Most Over Colour Use

This Holi, among 4,026 calls complaining of arguments, 2,440 were reported for the use of colour against his/her will, the officer said, adding no fatal incident has been reported so far, Delhi police said.

Delhi News

Number of challans isuued by Delhi police on Holi increased by around 4000.

New Delhi:

The Delhi Police received over 4,000 calls on argument related incidents on Holi and issued more than 13,000 challans for violation of traffic rules, including drink driving, officials said.

The number of challans issued by the police increased this year by around 4,000 but the total number of drink drive cases reduced by 300, a senior traffic police officer said.

He said 13,219 challans, including 431 for interception and 1,591 for drink driving, were issued for violations of traffic rules on Thursday.

In 2018, over 9,300 people were issued challans and 1,900 were charged for drink driving.

This Holi, among 4,026 calls complaining of arguments, 2,440 were reported for the use of colour against his/her will, the officer said, adding no fatal incident has been reported so far, police said.


Earlier, the Delhi Traffic Police had urged people to follow the traffic rules and advised motorists not to drink and drive, observe speed limits, obey traffic signals and two-wheeler riders to wear helmets and avoid triple riding to make the festival safe and secure.

Elaborate arrangements were made to ensure safety and security of people and teams with alcometers deployed at major intersections and vulnerable points to detect and prosecute traffic violators.
