The Delhi Police has issued over 2.90 lakh challans so far between April 19 and September 17 this year for violation of various COVID-19-related guidelines, of which the maximum were issued to those found not wearing masks, officials said on Saturday.
According to the data shared by police official Anil Mittal, 2,91,423 challans have been issued for various Covid-related violations in the national capital.
The data showed that of the total challans so far, the maximum 2,56,616 were issued for mask violation, followed by 29,698 for violation of social distancing norms and 1,463 for holding large public gatherings and congregations.
Another 1,572 challans were issued for spitting and 2,074 were for consumption of liquor, pan, gutkha, tobacco etc, the data mentioned.
The unlock process began in Delhi in a phased manner with the government allowing construction and manufacturing activities from May 31.
In following weeks, markets, malls, metro trains, restaurants and bars and many other activities were allowed.
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