Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has said there is no plan to resume offline classes in Delhi schools as yet. He said a third wave of Covid infections is imminent and the government is not going to risk the health of children.
During an interaction with the media today, Chief Minister Kejriwal was asked if the Delhi government is planning to resume offline classes in schools, as is being done in several states, including the adjoining Haryana.
"No, going by international trends, the third wave (of Covid infections) will come. So we will not put children at risk till the vaccination of the whole population is completed," the Chief Minister replied.
The daily Covid case counts in the national capital have remained below the 100 mark for about two weeks now, prompting the government to ease restrictions put in place in the wake of the deadly second wave of infections.
As per the state health bulletin issued today, Delhi recorded 72 new Covid cases, one death and a positivity rate of 0.10 per cent over the past 24 hours. The number of active cases stands at 671.
Over 91 lakh doses of Covid vaccine have been administered in Delhi so far.
Following a slide in Covid cases, several states have decided to resume offline classes in schools with safety protocols in place. The neighbouring Haryana has announced that government and private schools can resume offline classes for students of Classes 9-12 from July 16. For Classes 6-8, the offline classes will resume from July 23.The government has said a decision on resuming offline classes for students of Classes 1-5 will be taken later.