As Delhi reeling under the heatwave, India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Thursday said that the temperature in the national capital will gradually rise up to 37 degree Celsius in the next three days.
"Wind of average speed of 45 kilometre per hour is gusting for past three days in Delhi due to this, loo and heat are being experienced. This situation is also seen in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, North and East Rajasthan," Kuldeep Srivastava, scientist at IMD and head, regional weather forecasting centre while speaking to ANI on Thursday said.
The month of March in 2021 was the warmest in the last 11 years.
The national capital has been reeling under a "severe" heatwave and on the day of Holi and registered a temperature of 40.1 degrees Celsius, making it the hottest day in March in the past 76 years, according to IMD.