A bag with around Rs 2 lakh in cash, a gold coin and documents belonging to Trinamool Congress MLA Vivek Gupta's wife was stolen from her car near the Defence Colony flyover in south Delhi Friday, the police said.
The Trinamool MLA from Kolkata's Jorasakho constituency has been staying at a hotel in Delhi's Lodhi Colony with his wife, they said.
According to the police, the robbers allegedly threw engine oil on the bonnet of the vehicle and smoke started coming out of the moving car.
"We suspect the involvement of the "Thak Thak" gang in the incident," they said.
"Assistant Sub Inspector Omprakash was patrolling where he met Mr Gupta's wife, who told him that at about 2.15 pm, when she and her driver reached the Defence Colony flyover, a motorcyclist pointed towards the tyre of their car.
"The driver then stopped the car and got out to inspect the tyre. Meanwhile, another bike-borne person pointed towards the vehicle's bonnet," a police officer said.
As Mr Gupta's wife was feeling suffocated, she got down from the vehicle, the officer said, adding that she later found that her bag with Rs 1.86 lakh in cash, her iPhone, a gold coin and documents were missing.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Southeast) RP Meena said, "A case has been registered under relevant Section of the Indian Penal Code and an investigation is underway to identify and arrest those involved."