The Delhi assembly witnessed heated exchanges between Aam Aadmi Party and opposition BJP members on Thursday, after the ruling party's MLA Amanatullah Khan accused a political party of playing a role in the last year northeast Delhi riots.
Speaker Ram Niwas Goel directed that BJP MLA Anil Bajpayi be marshalled out of the House after he entered the Well to lodge his protest.
The BJP member was also directed by Mr Goel to remain absent from the House for the remaining part of the day.
Mr Goel adjourned the House amid the commotion.
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) member Mr Khan, who is the chairman of the Minority Welfare Committee of the Assembly, made the allegation while presenting its report on the riots in February last year.
Mr Goel got the political party's name expunged from the records as he intervened to restore order in the House.
He also discontinued Mr Khan from speaking on the committee's report amid vociferous protests by BJP members.
The riots had erupted in northeast Delhi in February last year after clashes between citizenship law supporters and protesters spiralled, leaving at least 53 people dead and also led to extensive destruction of property, including schools as well as religious places.