A woman thwarted a man's attempt to snatch her mobile phone in Delhi's Badarpur and forced him to flee. A video of the incident, recorded by CCTV installed in the area, has appeared online and displays the bravado shown by the woman in protecting her gadget. According to the police, the incident took place on September 4 when the woman was coming back after meeting her friend in Taj Pur Pahari. A case has been registered and the police are looking for the man seen in the footage.
The 14-second video shows the woman holding an arm of the man, who has the mobile phone in his possession. He tries to free himself, but the woman's grip appears to be too strong. During the fight, the man's slippers come off his feet.
दिल्ली में बेख़ौफ़ बदमाश, बदरपुर इलाके में 4 सितंबर को स्नैचिंग के दौरान बदमाश ने लड़की पर हमला किया,केस दर्ज,आरोपी की तलाश जारी है pic.twitter.com/J3ymciRW8X
— Mukesh singh sengar मुकेश सिंह सेंगर (@mukeshmukeshs) September 8, 2022
The woman is seen using all her might to stop the man from getting away after snatching her phone. He tries to fight back, and even hurls punches on the woman but she refuses to let him go.
The man is then seen frantically attacking the woman, even pushing her to one side till both of them disappear from the camera frame.
The area where the incident took place appears to be secluded, and shows several cars parked nearby.
According to the police, they received the call around 11.30pm. When they reached the spot, the man had already fled. However, he was not able to take away the phone as it fell down during the struggle.
They further said that a first information report (FIR) has been registered and investigation launched.
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