A head constable of a police station in Delhi's Mangolpuri area was arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Wednesday for allegedly taking a bribe of Rs 50,000, from a shopkeeper, officials said, with the capture caught in a dramatic video.
The CBI had received a complaint from the shopkeeper, who claimed that the head constable, identified as Bhim Singh, had demanded money from him for overlooking illegal parking outside his shop.
The agency laid a trap and caught Singh accepting the bribe in a video that was shared on social media.
The video showed Singh repeatedly trying to flee from the CBI team after realising that he was being raided.
He was seen running towards his car and throwing the bribe money inside. However, he was soon overpowered by the CBI officials and taken into custody.
The CBI registered a case against Singh and conducted searches at his residence and office. He will be produced before a court on Thursday, the CBI said.