Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday claimed that a panel set up by Lt Governor Anil Baijal has recommended "mandatory permission from police" to install CCTV cameras, which he said would "increase bribery".
"LG's committee recommends mandatory license/permission from police to install CCTV cameras by pvt or govt bodies. All existing CCTVs will also need police license. Height of license Raj in 21st century. Nowhere in the world is such a license reqd (sic)," he tweeted.
In another tweet, the chief minister claimed that mandatory provisions for installation of CCTV cameras would increase bribery.
"What will police see before giving CCTV license? On what basis will police give license? It will only increase bribery. Its a huge blow to women safety becoz all existing cameras in Del will have to be removed till they obtain license n all new CCTVs will have to wait for license (sic)," Mr Kejriwal said.
A six-member committee, constituted by Mr Baijal in May, was likely to regulate the installation of CCTV cameras in private and government buildings in the national capital, a source had said.
The committee, headed by Delhi Principal Secretary (Home) Manoj Parida, was in the process of preparing the standard operating procedure (SOP) for the installation and monitoring of CCTV cameras across the city.
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