The Delhi University on Tuesday released the first merit allocation list for admissions in undergraduate courses. The names of 85,853 successful candidates in CUET UG 2023 have been included in the list. The seats have been allocated based on the merit list position and must accept the seat till August 4. Allocations have been done in all programmes in all colleges, except in those programs where the eligibilities include performance/practical tests.
The seat allocation for under-graduate programmes is being done under the Common Seat Allocation System (CSAS) - UG-2023.
The colleges will check the applications of the candidates against the college allocated. The colleges will process the applications till 04:59 pm on August 5.
"The candidates who are offered a seat in the first round must complete the admission formalities by the stipulated time. Only the candidates who would complete their admission process including payment of fees, will be able to opt for 'Upgrade' to participate in the second round," the university said.
DU said in a release that 202,416 eligible candidates were considered for allocation in the first round based on their preferences of program and college combinations.
In the list, 7,042 students have been allocated seat based on their first preference, while about 22,000 candidates have been allocated a seat from their first five preferences.
The second list will be released on August 10.
The first list will be on the admission portal of the university, To check their names in the list, candidates are required to login to their dashboards using their registered credentials.
Candidates can pay against the first merit list till 4:59 pm on August 6, 2023.
If a candidate fails to pay the admission fee, it will be considered a cancellation of the allocated seat. The allocated seat will be forfeited and the candidate will not be considered for any subsequent allocations throughout the year.