99+ Percentile in CAT: Is It Enough To Get Into Top IIMs
New Delhi:
The CAT season is over for now and we are reading success stories of CAT aspirants who scored over 99+ percentile and secured a place in one of the top IIMs. IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, and IIM Calcutta, fondly called IIM A, B, C remain the dream destination for MBA aspirants and it has been noted over the years that candidates who score more than 99 percentile in CAT only get interview calls from IIM A, B, and C. But is it really true? Do candidates with less than 99 percentile really not get interview calls from top IIMs? And does every candidate who score more than 99 percentile gets a call for interview?
The answer is plain No. The recent selection of Vidit Garg at IIM Ahmedabad who scored 89.67 percentile in CAT refutes all such claims that a student got to score 99 percentile for selection to top IIMs. Vidit not only received a call from IIM Ahmedabad, but was also able to convert his call.
In sharp contrast to Vidit Garg's story, we have a quora user's story who despite having 99+ percentile could not get a call from IIM Ahmedabad. Although with the establishment of several newer IIMs the scenario has changed. However, the fact remains that scoring 99+ percentile is not enough for a call from the IIMs reason being the varied shortlisting criteria.
Each IIM has a separate shortlisting criteria which may include a candidate's CAT percentile, academic performance, work experience, regional and gender diversity etc. There is a certain weightage assigned to each criteria based upon which the shortlist for interview and writing test. So even though someone scores 99+ percentile in CAT, they may not get a call because of their poor academic record.
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The answer is plain No. The recent selection of Vidit Garg at IIM Ahmedabad who scored 89.67 percentile in CAT refutes all such claims that a student got to score 99 percentile for selection to top IIMs. Vidit not only received a call from IIM Ahmedabad, but was also able to convert his call.
In sharp contrast to Vidit Garg's story, we have a quora user's story who despite having 99+ percentile could not get a call from IIM Ahmedabad. Although with the establishment of several newer IIMs the scenario has changed. However, the fact remains that scoring 99+ percentile is not enough for a call from the IIMs reason being the varied shortlisting criteria.
Each IIM has a separate shortlisting criteria which may include a candidate's CAT percentile, academic performance, work experience, regional and gender diversity etc. There is a certain weightage assigned to each criteria based upon which the shortlist for interview and writing test. So even though someone scores 99+ percentile in CAT, they may not get a call because of their poor academic record.
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