The All India Ayush Post Graduate Entrance Test (AIAPGET) counselling 2022 for admission to MD and MS postgraduate programmes will start today, January 5, 2023. The AIAPGET PG 2022 counselling will be held online through the official website-- aaccc.gov.in. The round 1 counselling registration will close on January 15, 2023. The AIAPGET counselling 2022 choice filling will start tomorrow, January 6.
AYUSH PG counselling 2022 choice filling window will be available till 11:55 pm and the choice locking window will be available from 3 pm and 11:55 pm on January 15, 2023. The processing of seat allotment against AIAPGET PG counselling 2022 will be held between January 15 and January 17. The Ayush Admissions Central Counseling Committee (AACCC) will declare the round 1 seat allotment result on January 18, 2023.
If a candidate failed to lock the choices filled by them within the stipulated time, the choices submitted and saved by them will be locked automatically on the last date of the choice filling/locking period as per server time. Candidates are suggested to fill in the choices in the order of preference. "Once lock the choices, it is impossible to unlock the same, even from the AACCC end. Hence, the candidates are advised to verify all choices before locking in," stated in a release.
Candidates should ensure that all the information filled during the online application/registration form is correct. The AYUSH PG counselling registration facility will be available at the beginning of Round 1, Round 2 and Round 3/Mop-up Round. There will be no fresh registration for the Stray Vacancy Round.