AILET 2024 Admit Card: Candidates can download the admit card at nationallawuniversitydelhi.in.
The admit card for the All India Law Entrance Test (AILET) 2024 has been issued by the National Law University (NLU), Delhi. Candidates can access and download the admit card from the official website at nationallawuniversitydelhi.in by entering their login details, including their registered mobile number and password. AILET is the entrance exam for admission to BA LLB (Honors), LLM, and PhD courses.
AILET 2024: Exam pattern
- Scheduled for December 10, 2023, AILET 2024 has introduced a significant change in its exam pattern, extending the duration from 90 to 120 minutes.
- The examination will be held in offline mode and consist of 150 questions.
- The written exam is scheduled from 11am to 1pm.
- The examination comprises three sections: English Language (50 marks), Current Affairs (30 marks), General Knowledge (30 marks), and Logical Reasoning (70 marks).
According to the marking scheme, candidates receive one mark for each correct answer, with one-fourth of a mark deducted for every incorrect response.
AILET 2024 - Steps to download the admit card:
- Visit the official website of the National Law University (NLU), Delhi, at nationallawuniversitydelhi.in.
- Locate the candidate login portal and enter your login details, including the registered mobile number and password.
- Once logged in, find the section dedicated to the AILET 2024 Admit Card.
- Enter the necessary details, such as the application number and date of birth, as prompted by the system.
- After submitting the required details, click on the download or submit button to retrieve the admit card.
- Review all details on the admit card, including your name, photograph, examination centre, and timings.