
Allotment Results Out For First Round Of DNB Post Diploma Counselling

For joining the allotted seat, the candidate will have to accept and freeze the allotted seat.

Allotment Results Out For First Round Of DNB Post Diploma Counselling
Applicants must report to the allotted institute on or before December 12, 2024.
Education Result
New Delhi:

The National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) has released the results for the first round of counselling for admission to DNB Post Diploma Courses for 2024 admission session. Candidates who participated in the counselling process can check their result on the official website of the NBEMS. The results are hosted on the official website of NBEMS

For joining the allotted seat, the candidate will have to accept and freeze the allotted seat. They will be required to pay non-refundable first year course fee of Rs 1,25,000. 

After the payment of first year course fee, the seat allotted to him/ her will be frozen in his/ her favour. The candidates allotted any seat during Round-1 of the counseling are ineligible to participate in the Mop-up Round of the counseling, if conducted by NBEMS. A candidate who has frozen the seat and has paid first year course fee is required to download the seat allotment letter from the NBEMS website. 

After downloading the seat allotment letter, they must report to the allotted institute in person carrying prescribed documents in original on or before December 12, 2024, failing which the candidate will lose his/ her admission to the said seat.

The candidate who opt for freezing the seat allotted to them but fails to pay the first year course fee on or before December 12, 2024 will lose the seat allotted to him. He, however, will remain eligible to participate in the Second Round of the counseling process.

The official notification by NBEMS reads, "The candidate who after payment of first year course fee fails to join the institute allotted or fails to produce his/her original documents for verification by the institute or fails to fulfil the eligibility criteria prescribed during the verification of documents, on or before December 12, 2024, will lose his/ her admission to the said seat and the fees paid by the candidate shall also be forfeited. Such candidates will not be eligible to participate in the further Rounds of counseling."