The Vice-Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) Prof Tariq Mansoor has requested the the employees and their families to get vaccinated against COVID-19 virus. This comes after 34 COVID-19-related deaths were reported among AMU teachers and staff members.
Prof Mansoor sent an appeal to the employees as he said that, “I appeal to all AMU employees and families in all eligible age groups to get vaccinated at the earliest and on top priority. Its critical as mortalities are very less among those vaccinated”.
He further said that, “Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (JNMC) at AMU is a designated vaccination centre for eligible groups”.
Earlier Prof Mansoor had written a letter to the director-general of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) urging to study if a particular coronavirus variant is circulating around the campus.
VC Tariq Mansoor said 16 serving and 18 retired teachers besides other employees of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) have succumbed to the infection in the past 18 days.
He further said the microbiology laboratory at Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College here is sending samples to the Institute of Genomic and Integrated Biology laboratory, New Delhi, for genome sequencing.