This Article is From Jul 08, 2019

AP EAMCET 2019 Counselling Re-Scheduled Again

AP EAMCET 2019: APSCHE has again re-scheduled the counselling dates for engineering and pharmacy courses.

AP EAMCET 2019 Counselling Re-Scheduled Again
AP EAMCET 2019: Web-option entry schedule has been re-scheduled again

AP EAMCET 2019: The Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE) has again rescheduled the option entry process for AP EAMCET 2019 qualified candidates. The option entry process was scheduled to start on July 3 but was rescheduled on July 8. Now, the process has again been rescheduled and will begin after July 12, 2019. The document verification process has also been extended till July 11, 2019.

As per a notice published on the APSCHE website, the counselling schedule has been extended to facilitate those students whose ranks have not been received by the council on account of who sought recounting, and/or re-verification of their intermediate marks.

The detailed counselling schedule will be released on the official APEAMCET website,

APSCHE is conducting document verification process through web services from the respective board/agencies based on the information furnished by the candidate while applying for AP EAMCET 2019.

However, in some cases the verification may be incomplete. In such cases, students should check their verification status from the dashboard after payment of processing fee.

The candidate details will be displayed and at the bottom of the screen the candidates whose certificates got verified online will get display message "Candidate is eligible for exercising options". All such candidates can proceed to option entry stage.

The candidates whose certificates are not verified online will get display message "candidate is not eligible". Such candidates should contact Help Line Centre for certificate verification and get their certificates verified.

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