Assam PSC JE Recruitment 2025: The Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) has released the notification for the recruitment of Junior Engineer posts. Eligible candidates can apply online through the official website of APSC at apsc.gov.in starting from February 5, 2025. This recruitment drive aims to fill 650 posts in the organisation.
The last date for online application is March 4, 2025, while the deadline for payment of the application fee is March 6, 2025.
The official notification states: "The candidates, before applying for the post(s)/service(s), should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions. Their admission at all stages of selection, as permitted by the Commission, will be purely provisional and subject to scrutiny to ensure they meet the prescribed eligibility conditions. If, at any time or stage-whether before or after the Screening Examination, Written Examination, or Interview Test-it is found that they do not fulfill any eligibility condition, their candidature for the post(s)/service(s) will be canceled by the Commission."
Assam PSC JE Recruitment 2025: Pay Scale
Selected candidates will receive a pay scale of Rs 14,000 to Rs 70,000.
Assam PSC JE Recruitment 2025: Educational Qualification
Candidates must possess a three-year Diploma in Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering & Planning, or Construction Technology from a technical institute recognised by AICTE.
Upload all relevant semester/year mark sheets showing the subjects studied, along with the final pass certificate. The diploma course must be completed in Regular mode. Diplomas obtained through Distance Education, regardless of the nomenclature, will not be considered.
Assam PSC JE Recruitment 2025: Application Fee
General: Rs. 297.20
OBC/MOBC: Rs. 197.20
SC/ST/BPL/PwBD: Rs. 47.20