The Bihar Board inter result has been declared. This is the result of the class 12 board exam, which is also known as inter and is held by the Bihar School Examination Board or the BSEB. Students can check the inter result on the official website of the Board. 80.44% of the total students who took the Bihar board 12th exam in February have qualified.
Bihar Board Announces Intermediate Result 2020; How To Check
Bihar Board Inter Exam 2020: List of Toppers
Arts Stream
Sakshy Kumari, Mukesh Kumar, Simpi Kumari, Rohit Paswan, Gyanoday Kumar, Puja Kumari, Navin Kumar and Avdhesh Kumar have secured the top 5 positions in the inter exam in Arts stream. The topper's score is 94.8%
In Arts stream a total of 6,28,363 candidates had appeared for the exam. 83.06% of girls who appeared for the inter Arts exam have qualified the exam. The pass percentage in boys is 79.04%. The overall pass percentage is 81.44%.

Commerce Stream
Kausar Fatima, Sudhanshu Narayan Choudhary, Beauti Raj, Rahul Kumar, Karnal Kumar, Amit Kumar, Sabiha Perween, Yashwant Raj and Somya Bhati have secured the first five positions in Bihar inter exam this year in Commerce stream.
In Commerce stream the overall pass percentage is 93.26%. Among all the three disciplines the highest pass percentage has been recorded in Commerce stream. A total of 71,004 students had appeared for inter Commerce exam.
Science Stream
Neha Kumari, Vikki Kumar, Jahangir Alam, Shivam Kumar Verma, Manish Kumar Jaiswal, Naveen Kumar, Gautam Kumar, Abhishek Suman, Shivani Sharma, Ujjwal Kumar, Jyotsna Shikha, Kishan Kumar, Kishan Kumar, Sushil Kumar Gupta, Shreya Kumari and Ankita Kumari have been placed in the top five positions in the inter exam in the science stream.
In Science, out of the 5,05,467 candidates who took the exam 77.39% students have qualified. The pass percentage among girls and boys is 79.52% and 76.5%, respectively.
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