Bihar School Examination Board result: Bihar Board of Secondary Education (or as it famously known as Bihar Board or BSEB) has released the Intermediate or Inter result today on the official websites of the organisation. The Bihar Board Inter result has been declared on the official websites, bsebinteredu.in, bsebssresult.com/bseb and biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in/inter-result. Unlike the previous years, the BSEB result for all streams - Commerce, Science and Arts - will be out today itself. The Board to avoid embarrassment after the release (as it happened two years ago when a candidate who was declared a topper found to be not aware of basic concepts of the stream she topped) it has conducted personal verification of the toppers of all streams.
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As the Bihar Board Inter result is out, all the official result websites have started crashing.
Bihar Board Releases 12th Result; 79.76% Students Pass
Bihar Board result 2019: Direct link to check your BSEB Inter result
Here are the official websites to check:
bsebinteredu.in, bsebssresult.com/bseb and biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in/inter-result
Bihar Board result 2019: Things to take care while searching for your result

BSEB result 2019: The results for Intermediate exams will be released today
1. The official result link will not be opening (as it is happening now) when large number of users tries to access the result portal at the same time. Be patient.
Bihar Board 12th Result 2019: Over 13 Lakh Students To Receive Result Today
2. There are some alternative websites available which hosts Bihar Board Inter results. Try checking your results there.
Bihar Board Result 2019: 5 Steps To Check BSEB 12th Class Result Using Mobiles
3. You will be provided three separate links for checking results of all the three streams.
4. Last, but not the least, whatever may be result, sit back and think about the next step.
Bihar Board Prepares Inter Result In A Record Time Of 44 Days: Highlights
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