This Article is From Mar 22, 2019

CBSE Class 10 Boards 2019: Last Minute Tips For English

CBSE class 10 board exam for English will be held tomorrow. The exam will be held for 80 marks.

CBSE Class 10 Boards 2019: Last Minute Tips For English
CBSE Board Exam 2019 for class 10 English paper will be held tomorrow

CBSE Board Exam 2019: CBSE class 10 board exam for English will be held tomorrow. English can be that subject which could tip the scales in favor of students and help them increase their overall percentage in exams. With the clock ticking, now is the time for students to focus only on last minute strategies for the examination. The class 10 English examination is conducted for 80 marks and the question paper comprises of 3 sections.

Students appearing for the class 10 English board exams tomorrow can check last minute tips below.

CBSE 10th Board Exam For English: Last Minute Tips

1. Revise the main points from a chapter, this means that you should be aware of the central theme of the story/poem/essay prescribed in your curriculum.

2. Revise the titles and author of the chapters and if you have time go through the summary of each story/poem/novel in you syllabus.

3. For writing section, make sure that you know the format and have practices at least one article/letter following that format today.

4. Revise the grammar portion and practice. Memorizing grammatical rules are not enough as questions will all be application based.

5. When writing answers, try to be concise and stick to the word limit. Exceeding word limit will not fetch you more marks.

6. Utilize the time given before the exam commences to read the passage given in section A.

7. Read the questions carefully. At times students make mistakes purely because they did not read the question properly.

8. You can attempt any section first. There's no rule to attempting the sections in the order given. Follow the order that best suits your ability. However, make sure that you label the answers and sections correctly.

9. In the essay/letter writing questions, make sure that you have addressed the main issue given in the question. Do not digress from the topic.

10. After you have finished the paper, go through your answers and rectify and spelling or grammatical mistake.

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