This Article is From Mar 09, 2019

CBSE Students Demand Lenient Checking For 'Tough' Physics Paper

CBSE Class 12 Physics exam was on March 5. Immediately after the examination, students took to twitter to complain of a tough and lengthy Physics question paper.

CBSE Students Demand Lenient Checking For 'Tough' Physics Paper
CBSE board exam 2019 for physics was considered to be very tough by students
New Delhi:

CBSE conducted the Physics exam for class 12 students on March 5. Immediately after the examination, students took to twitter to complain of a tough and lengthy Physics question paper. Students, in unison, voiced that 3 hours wasn't enough to complete the paper. The panic that the lengthy Physics question paper has caused among class 12 students hasn't died down even after four days.

The anxiety after the results which are still more than a month away is such that students are still tweeting to CBSE and HRD Minister and have  demanded that CBSE practice lenient marking for the Physics paper.

CBSE is yet to come out with a response to the students' demands. Meanwhile, even on Saturday students were tweeting to Prakash Javadekar, CBSE and any other stake holder to take cognizance of students' grievance.

Meanwhile, an online petition has also been started demanding leniency in evaluation of Physics paper. At the time of writing this, the petition had already garnered more than 75,000 signatures from afflicted students. 

Immediately after the exam, students had taken to twitter to complain about the lengthy question paper and said that the question paper was not at all along the lines of the sample paper issued by CBSE before the examination. 

(This story was originally published on March 9, 2019. Details of the online petition were updated in this story on March 11, 2019.)

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