This Article is From Feb 16, 2019

Board Exam 2019: CBSE 12th English Exam Tomorrow; Tips For English Core

CBSE Board exam 2019 for class 12th English subject is scheduled tomorrow. Students can find some helpful tips here.

Board Exam 2019: CBSE 12th English Exam Tomorrow; Tips For English Core
Board Exam 2019 preparation tips for class 12 English Core subject

Board Exam 2019: Board exams for CBSE students has begun. The class 12 board exams started with a bunch of vocational subjects on February 15, 2019. CBSE will conduct class 12 board exam for both  English Elective and English Core tomorrow, i.e. on March 2, 2019. English is one subject which is considered easy by some and difficult by some. In this article we bring to you preparation tips for English Core subject.

English Core exam pattern was changed by CBSE in October, 2018. The number of questions was reduced from 40 to 35. The length of the question paper was also reduced in huge relief to students who found the paper to be lengthy and unable to finish it in designated time.


CBSE Class 12 English Core Paper Pattern


The question paper will have three sections - Reading, Advanced Writing Skills, and Literature.

Reading section will have two passages. Of the two passages, there would be 5 MCQs, 9 very short answer type questions, and 3 short answer type questions from passage one. There will be 2 long answer type questions related to passage two.

Advanced Writing Skills section will have four questions. Each question will have an option to choose from.

The last section will have six questions. One question will be from one of the poems prescribed in the syllabus. There will be six short answer type questions out of which students have to attempt only four.

The section will be rounded off with four long answer type questions. In case of long answer type questions, students will have options to choose from.

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CBSE Class 12 English Core Preparation Tips


Reading Section

Read the questions before reading the passage as this helps you to find the answers quickly. Since this is the most scoring section, full effort should be given for this section. Solve sample papers available on the CBSE site or in the market.

For Note Making, follow the format- Title, Notes with proper indentation and abbreviation. While writing the summary, stick to the word limit.

Writing Section

Follow the formats strictly. Write the value points of the answer before composing the answers. While attempting any questions on a problem based issue note down the causes, effect and steps and put them into proper paragraph. Avoid repetition, and try using simple vocabulary.

Literature Section

Read all the poems and prose texts thoroughly. Underline important phrases and use them as key words in answers. If in doubt take the help of your teacher and solve previous year papers from reference books. Stick to the word limit as both preciseness and brevity are important for short answers. For the long answers write the value points in the margin before framing the answers.

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