Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has released the result for Assistant Prelims examination. The examination was conducted on March 17, 2019 at 127 examination centres situated in 5 districts in the state. A total of 35,997 candidates appeared for the BPSC Assistant prelims examination. Out of these, only 695 have qualified for the main examination. BPSC had released a recruitment notification for Assistants in October. Out of the 51 posts advertised, 17 are reserved for women candidates.
The commission had released the provisional answer key for the BPSC prelims exam in March.
BPSC Assistant Prelims Result 2019: How To Check?
Step one: Go to official BPSC website: www.bpsc.bih.nic.in.
Step two: Click on the result link for Assistant Prelims exam on the homepage.
Step three: A pdf will open. Download the pdf.
Step four: Open the pdf and search for your roll number. The pdf has roll numbers of candidates who have qualified in the prelims exam and are eligible to appear for the Assistant main examination.
BPSC Assistant Main examination will tentatively be held on June 15, 2019. The date may be changed, hence candidates are advised to keep a tracking the official BPSC website in order to not miss out on any update on the examination.
The application process for the Assistant Main examination will be notified soon on the commission's official website.
The cut off marks for unreserved category candidates is 119 and for female candidates from unreserved categories is 111. The cut off marks for SC candidates is 109 and for female candidates in the SC category is 101. For ST category the cut off marks is 107.
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