In Patna, the ongoing protest by BPSC candidates demanding the cancellation of the 70th BPSC exam has taken a new turn. For the past nine days, hundreds of students have been staging a sit-in at Gardanibagh. Today, they forced Khan Sir, a renowned educator and YouTuber, to leave the protest site, accusing him of hijacking their demonstration.
Students allege that Khan Sir and Rahman Sir, two prominent educators, have shifted the focus of the protest from the students' issue to their political agendas. Initially, when these educators joined the protest, the goal was solely to raise the students' demands before the government. However, students now claim that both Khan Sir and Rahman Sir have misused the protest for their interests, turning it into a political campaign. Some students even demanded that the two coaching operators leave the stage, stating they were diverting attention from the core issue.
Educator Khan Sir went to join the protest on the 10th day of the demonstration by 70th BPSC candidates, accompanied by Guru Rehman and called for a re-examination. He stated, "We demand a re-examination under CCTV surveillance to prevent any kind of irregularity."
Educator Khan Sir further explained, "...We were previously demanding a re-examination, and now we are demanding one with CCTV footage. Why should we fear CCTV?"
Prashant Kishor Stands with Students, Warns Government
Meanwhile, Prashant Kishor, the founder of Jan Suraj, visited the protesting students and condemned the police's use of force against them. He expressed solidarity with the students, stating that if they continue to protest, he will stand by them. Mr Kishor emphasised that the students' right to protest should be respected and clarified that he was there to oppose the government's actions against the youth.
The students' protests intensified after rumours about a paper leak during the 70th BPSC exam, held on December 13 at the Bapu Bhavan exam centre in Patna, spread among candidates. While BPSC denied the claims, calling them the work of wrongdoers, it ordered a re-examination. Despite this, the students have continued their demand for the cancellation of the exam and have vowed to keep their protest going.
The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has made it clear that exams at other centres will not be cancelled. The movement has gained support from various political parties, with opposition leaders such as Tejashwi Yadav, Congress State President Akhilesh Singh, and independent MP Pappu Yadav backing the students. Pappu Yadav even announced a Bihar Bandh in support of the protestors, while the students remained adamant in their demand and continued their sit-in.