This Article is From May 26, 2017

BSEB Bihar Board Intermediate Result Expected On May 30 At

The wait seems to be over for Bihar Board intermediate students. As per news reports in regional papers, Bihar Board is set to declare the result for intermediate board exams on May 30.

BSEB Bihar Board Intermediate Result Expected On May 30 At
BSEB Bihar Board Intermediate Result Expected On May 30
New Delhi: The wait seems to be over for Bihar Board intermediate students. As per news reports in regional papers, Bihar Board is set to declare the result for intermediate board exams 2017 on May 30. Earlier the board officials had speculated on phone that the result would be out anytime between May 27 and May 29 and that the board was busy preparing the list of toppers. It seems that the date for result declaration has been shifted a day after. 

As per reports, almost 12 lakh 58 thousand intermediate students appeared in the board exam conducted for the three streams. With the result declaration, the admission process to under graduate courses in all major universities in the state would begin. 

The result for Bihar Board Intermediate exam would be available on the official website. The board result would be hosted by which is the online result partner for Bihar Board. 

There is no confirmation yet on Bihar Board result for Matriculation or class 10 students. However, it is speculated that the matriculation result will be out by June 15. 

The intermediate results would be declared for all streams on May 30 unlike previous years when the result for Intermediate science stream preceded the result for commerce and arts stream students. 

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