BSEB Delays Bihar TET Exam; New Exam Date June 29
New Delhi:
BSEB has postponed the examination schedule for Bihar Teachers Eligibility Test (TET). Earlier the exam was due to be conducted on June 11, 2017. However, according to notice published by BSEB on its website and various regional newspapers, due to some unforeseen circumstances the date for the exam has been shifted to June 29, 2017. The exam will be conducted in two sessions. The first session will begin at 10:00 am and end at 12:30 pm, and the second session will begin at 2:00 pm and conclude at 4:30 pm.
Bihar TET Exam postponed to June 29, 2017
In first session paper I will be conducted which is for teachers for class 1 to class 5. In the second session paper II will be conducted which is for teachers for class 6 to class 8. Apart from the date and time of the exam, rest all details will remain same for the Teachers Eligibility Test as notified by the Board earlier.
The application process for Bihar TET was conducted from April 6 to April 25. The exam is being conducted to fill primary teachers vacancy in government schools in Bihar.
Apart from the eligibility criteria, the candidates who have applied for the exam will also need to score certain pre-determined marks to qualify in Bihar TET. General Male candidate would need 90 marks, Backward Classes/ OBC/ Female/ Physically Handicapped candidates would need 83 marks, and Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe candidates would need 75 marks to qualify in the exam. If a candidate appears in both the papers, then they will have to obtain qualifying marks in both the papers separately.
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In first session paper I will be conducted which is for teachers for class 1 to class 5. In the second session paper II will be conducted which is for teachers for class 6 to class 8. Apart from the date and time of the exam, rest all details will remain same for the Teachers Eligibility Test as notified by the Board earlier.
The application process for Bihar TET was conducted from April 6 to April 25. The exam is being conducted to fill primary teachers vacancy in government schools in Bihar.
Apart from the eligibility criteria, the candidates who have applied for the exam will also need to score certain pre-determined marks to qualify in Bihar TET. General Male candidate would need 90 marks, Backward Classes/ OBC/ Female/ Physically Handicapped candidates would need 83 marks, and Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe candidates would need 75 marks to qualify in the exam. If a candidate appears in both the papers, then they will have to obtain qualifying marks in both the papers separately.
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