BSTC Counselling 2019: After many delays, the Rajasthan BSTC first allotment result is expected to be released today. Earlier, the Rajasthan BSTC counselling result was expected yesterday but an update from the authorities later said that the counselling result will be released on August 9. Students waiting for allotment result shall expect the allotment result today. The BSTC allotment result will be released on the official website, bstc2019.org.
The BSTC or the Pre D.El.Ed. is the exam conducted for Basic School Teaching Course. The exam is held for admission to Pre-D.El.Ed. (pre Diploma in Elementary Education) course in the Teacher Training Institutes in Rajasthan.
The BSTC exam was held in May and the result was released after a wait of two months, on July 3. Reports suggest that more than 7 lakh candidates had appeared for the BSTC exam this year.
The BSTC allotment result or BSTC counselling result has been postponed multiple times before. Earlier, the allotment result was scheduled to be released on July 18, then the date was shifted to July 21, then again to July 28 and August 1 and August 8.
The BSTC website is not responding right now and students may face difficulty in checking any updates that may have been released by the authority. They are advised to try checking the website again after some time and not rely on any other source of information.
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