Anyone with a graduate degree can appear for CAT 2017
New Delhi:
CAT 2017 will be conducted by IIM Lucknow. While there is still time left before the official notification is out and the real race begins, why not go through the eligibility requirements essential for appearing in the exam. In general terms, anyone with a graduation degree can appear for the CAT exam. However, there are certain other conditions which must be fulfilled or else a candidate will be disqualified from appearing in the exam. There is also an important question of work experience and if it is an essential requirement for CAT or not.
While understanding the eligibility requirement is fairly easy, sometimes students are at loggerheads with what is considered as a degree equivalent to a graduation degree. Also students are often under the impression, that it is compulsory to have some work experience before they appear for CAT exam. In this article we will explain both academic eligibility and the question of work experience.
1. A candidate applying for CAT exam must have a Bachelor's degree in any discipline with 50% marks or equivalent CGPA.
2. The minimum percentage required for candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), and Persons with Disability (PwD) category is 45% or equivalent CGPA.
3. The degree must have bene obtained from a university incorporated as an Act of parliament or State Legislature in India or institution recognized by UGC or must possess an equivalent recognition from MHRD, Government of India.
4. Candidate's appearing in the final year of their qualifying examination can also appear for the CAT exam on the condition that they produce a certificate issued by the Principal/Registrar of their university/institute stating that they have completed all the degree requirements at the time of their admission.
5. Candidates who have completed CA/CS/ICWA can also apply. The percentage requirement for these candidates will be same as mentioned in the points above.
Read Here: 10 Important Points About CAT 2017 Exam Pattern
Having a prior work experience is not a compulsory requirement for candidates appearing in CAT. The application form does ask for work experience details but it is not mandatory.
However, during the final selection of candidates, work experience is given some weightage by the IIMs. The exact weightage given to work experience is never revealed by the IIMs but it varies from IIM to IIM.
The bottom line is that work experience does not come into play till the last stage of final selection and even then it does not play a deciding factor. IIMs have been known to have a mixed batch comprising of both fresh graduates and students with work experience.
Read Here: CAT 2017: Right Time To Start Preparation
While understanding the eligibility requirement is fairly easy, sometimes students are at loggerheads with what is considered as a degree equivalent to a graduation degree. Also students are often under the impression, that it is compulsory to have some work experience before they appear for CAT exam. In this article we will explain both academic eligibility and the question of work experience.
CAT 2017 Eligibility Criteria
1. A candidate applying for CAT exam must have a Bachelor's degree in any discipline with 50% marks or equivalent CGPA.
2. The minimum percentage required for candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), and Persons with Disability (PwD) category is 45% or equivalent CGPA.
3. The degree must have bene obtained from a university incorporated as an Act of parliament or State Legislature in India or institution recognized by UGC or must possess an equivalent recognition from MHRD, Government of India.
4. Candidate's appearing in the final year of their qualifying examination can also appear for the CAT exam on the condition that they produce a certificate issued by the Principal/Registrar of their university/institute stating that they have completed all the degree requirements at the time of their admission.
5. Candidates who have completed CA/CS/ICWA can also apply. The percentage requirement for these candidates will be same as mentioned in the points above.
Read Here: 10 Important Points About CAT 2017 Exam Pattern
CAT 2017 Work Experience Requirement
Having a prior work experience is not a compulsory requirement for candidates appearing in CAT. The application form does ask for work experience details but it is not mandatory.
However, during the final selection of candidates, work experience is given some weightage by the IIMs. The exact weightage given to work experience is never revealed by the IIMs but it varies from IIM to IIM.
The bottom line is that work experience does not come into play till the last stage of final selection and even then it does not play a deciding factor. IIMs have been known to have a mixed batch comprising of both fresh graduates and students with work experience.
Read Here: CAT 2017: Right Time To Start Preparation