This Article is From Sep 10, 2018

7 Expert Recommended Strategies For CAT Preparation

7 expert-backed strategies for CAT 2018 preparation. CAT 2018 exam is scheduled on NOvember 25, 2018.

7 Expert Recommended Strategies For CAT Preparation
CAT 2018: 7 Expert Recommended Strategies For CAT Preparation
New Delhi:

With close to 12 weeks remaining for the CAT 2018 exam, the students are up and about with their CAT 2018 preparation. While preparing for the exam a student needs to keep in mind that their preparation is directed on the right trajectory. It does not help to study too much, but study smartly. For CAT, it is time and again stressed that students should not follow run-of-the-mill study techniques. 

We spoke to Mr. A. S. Oberoi, Founder President, MBA Rendezvous about the strategy students should follow in the months leading up to the exam. CAT 2018 exam will be conducted on November 25, 2018. 

Here's what he recommends,

1. Start Right: The toughest journey starts with a single step. Make sure start right. Set a timetable for each day and strike a balance between your work, study and recreation.

2. Manage Time: Time is of essence both while preparing for CAT 2018 and while writing the final CAT exam. Organising yourself will help immensely. Set out time for each topic under each section. While attempting the CAT 2018 exam, set a time limit for each question and make sure you do not end up wasting time on a question which is extremely tough and time taking. 

3. Think Differently: Pave your own path and a customised plan for your CAT 2018 preparation. Create your own strategies that are tried and tested by you and work well for you. Keep that conviction, courage and confidence in you which will make you stand out at the end of the day. 

4. Write Mock Test: Writing CAT mocks and simulating CAT exam like scenario is a very crucial aspect. Mocks help you understand where you stand and what kind of strategies work for different type's questions. It is a means to test how well you can apply the concepts. 

How Non-Engineers Can Crack CAT 2018; Read Expert Tips

5. Track Your Progress: It is extremely essential to track your progress. Unless you do not analyse your mistakes and mock tests, there is no point further preparing for CAT 2018. You may be writing 2 mocks per week, but they are only going to help if you understand where you went wrong or how you could have done better and attempted a few extra questions. Keep a note of the score, time and number of mistakes you make. 

6. Formulae & Shortcuts: Keeping the formulae, tables, squares, cubes, and square roots for numbers up to 50 on your tips will help you save a lot of time while solving the Quant, DILR sections. Such handy tips will quicken your calculations. 

7. Strengths are your Scoring Areas: The sure-shot mantra of success in CAT is mastering your strengths. Strengths are the areas you are good at or that interest you. Practice and polish your strong points and turn them into your score boosters. Also understand the areas you dread and target them separately. Make them your strengths.

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