CBSE 12th Result 2017: Anxiety Rules Even After HRD Minister's Assurance
New Delhi:
It is no longer a secret that the CBSE class 12 board result are delayed this year. What with the ambiguity around Marks Moderation Policy, no official announcement from CBSE's side about the result declaration date has forced students to spend sleepless nights. Contrary to past year trends, when CBSE had declared the result on May 21, 2016, the results this year are already off the mark. While many state boards have already declared the class 12 state board results, there is no official confirmation yet from CBSE side. Today, however, the Education Minister Prakash Javadekar assured students that the result will be declared on time.
While the statement by Prakash Javadekar can be seen as an indication that the result will not be delayed further, however one cannot miss the ambiguity of the statement since the board or the ministry has not revealed exactly when will the result be declared. Users on social media have pointed out the ambiguous nature of the statement and said that how can result be on time when it is already delayed in comparison to last year.
Students who appeared for their class 12 board exams this year are feeling undue pressure because of the delay in the results. Students are demanding that CBSE release a date for result declaration. Twitter users are tweeting to the HRD Minister to declare the date for result announcement.
Some students have also pointed out the unfair treatment meted out to CBSE students in South Indian states where the class 12 results have already been declared and the admission process to many major under graduate colleges is about to be over. Most of the colleges in South Indian states begin the application process for under graduate courses within a day or two of declaration of the state board result for class 12 students and conclude the process in 10 or 15 days. This has put CBSE students at a disadvantage.
Read Here: Prakash Javadekar Supports Marks Moderation Policy
There are also some users who are demanding resignation of the CBSE Chairman for taking such a drastic decision without much consideration of the impact it might have on a student’s future.
While the statement by Prakash Javadekar can be seen as an indication that the result will not be delayed further, however one cannot miss the ambiguity of the statement since the board or the ministry has not revealed exactly when will the result be declared. Users on social media have pointed out the ambiguous nature of the statement and said that how can result be on time when it is already delayed in comparison to last year.
#CbseResults2017 Totally confused with result announcement ! No Official announcement. This is another level of carelessness by CBSE as :(
— Himanshu singh (@imhim45) May 24, 2017
Students who appeared for their class 12 board exams this year are feeling undue pressure because of the delay in the results. Students are demanding that CBSE release a date for result declaration. Twitter users are tweeting to the HRD Minister to declare the date for result announcement.
@PrakashJavdekar Sir plz at least furnish a date for declaration of the cbse class 12 results to lessen our anxiety
— Manika Rawat (@zeegee98) May 25, 2017
Some students have also pointed out the unfair treatment meted out to CBSE students in South Indian states where the class 12 results have already been declared and the admission process to many major under graduate colleges is about to be over. Most of the colleges in South Indian states begin the application process for under graduate courses within a day or two of declaration of the state board result for class 12 students and conclude the process in 10 or 15 days. This has put CBSE students at a disadvantage.
@PrakashJavdekar @Dev_Fadnavis Sir when will cbse 12th board results will be out. In TN all most all admission are over.cbse students are suffering Pl help
— parthasarathy (@ccpartha) May 25, 2017
@Ashok_Gajapathi Sir due 2 CBSE result date uncertnty sme studnts who hve 2 go 2 South n other parts of India r unable 2 book d tikets (1/2)
— Rohan Rathi (@rohanspacerathi) May 25, 2017
Read Here: Prakash Javadekar Supports Marks Moderation Policy
There are also some users who are demanding resignation of the CBSE Chairman for taking such a drastic decision without much consideration of the impact it might have on a student’s future.
CBSE Chairman should resign for taking a wrong decision in middle of exam and result announcement. #CbseResults2017
— Sumit Singhal (@sumitsinghal) May 25, 2017