CBSE 12th Result 2017 Announced At Cbseresults.nic.in
New Delhi:
CBSE 12th result 2017 has been declared! Students, who had been waiting long for the result can check the same now. Students have to take care of certain important things. After a long wait, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has finally declared the class 12 result. This has not only brought relief to students, but has also given them a reason to celebrate as well. Students who are going to check the result should take a note of the following things.The long dilemma of 'moderation or no moderation' has finally come to an end. Students will get their result today.
Keeping its promise of declaring the result before noon, the Board has announced the result at 10.20 am. Website may slowdown due to multiple logins at the same time. Students should not panic in that case and retry.
Also Read: What's Next After CBSE 12th Result Declaration?
Check the CBSE result at the official web portal
Students should note that the result will be declared at cbseresults.nic.in. Students should therefore wait for the site to load completely. Secondly, result related updates and relevant data can be checked at cbse.nic.in.
Students should have roll number, school number and centre number to check the result.
CBSE Result 2017: Know How To Check Scores Online
Keep login credential in hand
Usually the Board asks for roll number (exam roll number issued by the Board). Students can find the roll number in the admit card. Hence the first thing is to fetch the admit card and note down the roll number. Another important login is the date of birth that has been mentioned in the board's admit card.
Read: Know Board's Pass Criteria, Grading, Merit Certificate
Check the entries, soon after downloading the CBSE 12th result 2017
Immediately after downloading the result copy, go through the entries made: properly! Check important details like name, roll number, place and other obvious details. Errors, if any, must be brought to the notice of the Board immediately.
Read: Know Where To Check CBSE 12th Result?
Those, who will be not satisfied with the result, can opt for reverification. Board will announce and call for application. Students who wish to opt for reverification should wait for official update!
Save the result copy!
Students should save a copy of the result. A printout will also be good. Though not a valid mark statement, but the saved copy can be a reference. Board will issue certificates in support of the result soon after the results are announced.
Click here For all updates on CBSE result
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Keeping its promise of declaring the result before noon, the Board has announced the result at 10.20 am. Website may slowdown due to multiple logins at the same time. Students should not panic in that case and retry.
Also Read: What's Next After CBSE 12th Result Declaration?
Check the CBSE result at the official web portal
Students should note that the result will be declared at cbseresults.nic.in. Students should therefore wait for the site to load completely. Secondly, result related updates and relevant data can be checked at cbse.nic.in.
Students should have roll number, school number and centre number to check the result.
CBSE Result 2017: Know How To Check Scores Online
Keep login credential in hand
Usually the Board asks for roll number (exam roll number issued by the Board). Students can find the roll number in the admit card. Hence the first thing is to fetch the admit card and note down the roll number. Another important login is the date of birth that has been mentioned in the board's admit card.
Read: Know Board's Pass Criteria, Grading, Merit Certificate
Check the entries, soon after downloading the CBSE 12th result 2017
Immediately after downloading the result copy, go through the entries made: properly! Check important details like name, roll number, place and other obvious details. Errors, if any, must be brought to the notice of the Board immediately.

CBSE Score Card: Save a Copy After Downloading 12th Result
Read: Know Where To Check CBSE 12th Result?
Those, who will be not satisfied with the result, can opt for reverification. Board will announce and call for application. Students who wish to opt for reverification should wait for official update!
Save the result copy!
Students should save a copy of the result. A printout will also be good. Though not a valid mark statement, but the saved copy can be a reference. Board will issue certificates in support of the result soon after the results are announced.
Click here For all updates on CBSE result
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