CBSE 12th Result 2018: List Of Websites To Check Results
New Delhi:
CBSE 12th result 2018 has been declared. For more than 11 lakh students who appeared for the exam this year, the result is now available online. With this declaration, the Board has brought an end to the speculations that had been bothering students since more than a month. Students were eagerly waiting for their results: re-exams, question paper leak reports, had already put them in a fix. The Board has declared the result at cbseresults.nic.in.
CBSE Official Result Portal
CBSE 12th result will be available online at the Board's examination portal cbseresults.nic.in. It will also be available on results.nic.in. Likewise, the Board's official website cbse.nic.in, will redirect the result link to the result portal. Online mark statement uploaded by the Board, will be available to the students by logging into the portal by giving roll number and date of birth. Candidates should note that more than 11 lakh students are eagerly awaiting their results and the websites are likely to crash. In such cases, they should be ready with their admit cards in hand, so that the login credentials are entered correctly at one go.

Students who are online immediately after the result declaration, need not go to any of the official websites mentioned above. With the recent collaboration between the Board and Google, the result will be hosted at www.google.com for a shorter duration. Students, then, have to enter their exam details directly on the search page and check their result. Students should note that, the result box will appear above the Google News Boxes and even above the official website of CBSE. CBSE result, CBSE 12th result 2018, CBSE class 12 result 2018 are few of the highly searchable keywords for the result today.
Like last year, Microsoft Bing will host the CBSE board exam results. The result will be available in the a similar pattern as it will be in Google home page. Students shall have to enter their roll number and date of birth details to access the result. Bing result box will be available on the search page.
SMS Organizer
After hosting the results on Bing, Microsoft has again stepped in to help CBSE students access their results in a convenient way. SMS Organizer has been launched by the Microsoft in order to help those who do not have proper internet connection. Moreover this app will also help students to get their results on time; as it happens many times that the website slows down immediately after declaring the result. The app is available on Google Play Store. Click here for registration process.
CBSE result will also be available on UMANG mobile application which is compatible with Android, iOS and windows based smart phone.
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CBSE 12th Result 2018: Know Where To Check
CBSE Official Result Portal
CBSE 12th result will be available online at the Board's examination portal cbseresults.nic.in. It will also be available on results.nic.in. Likewise, the Board's official website cbse.nic.in, will redirect the result link to the result portal. Online mark statement uploaded by the Board, will be available to the students by logging into the portal by giving roll number and date of birth. Candidates should note that more than 11 lakh students are eagerly awaiting their results and the websites are likely to crash. In such cases, they should be ready with their admit cards in hand, so that the login credentials are entered correctly at one go.

Students who are online immediately after the result declaration, need not go to any of the official websites mentioned above. With the recent collaboration between the Board and Google, the result will be hosted at www.google.com for a shorter duration. Students, then, have to enter their exam details directly on the search page and check their result. Students should note that, the result box will appear above the Google News Boxes and even above the official website of CBSE. CBSE result, CBSE 12th result 2018, CBSE class 12 result 2018 are few of the highly searchable keywords for the result today.
Like last year, Microsoft Bing will host the CBSE board exam results. The result will be available in the a similar pattern as it will be in Google home page. Students shall have to enter their roll number and date of birth details to access the result. Bing result box will be available on the search page.
SMS Organizer
After hosting the results on Bing, Microsoft has again stepped in to help CBSE students access their results in a convenient way. SMS Organizer has been launched by the Microsoft in order to help those who do not have proper internet connection. Moreover this app will also help students to get their results on time; as it happens many times that the website slows down immediately after declaring the result. The app is available on Google Play Store. Click here for registration process.
CBSE result will also be available on UMANG mobile application which is compatible with Android, iOS and windows based smart phone.
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