CBSE Admit Card 2018: Important Aspects Not To Ignore
New Delhi:
CBSE board exams 2018 admit cards have already been released online and schools have also started issuing the same to the students. With only 5 days ahead and admit card in hand, students are going through the final revision of the syllabus. But before that students must know that there will be 10-15 minutes of daily scrutiny before each paper. This will include inspection of the student, checking the particulars of the admit card and taking the attendance of students present in the exam hall. In this case admit card plays an important role.
It is needless to say that students should go through the details mentioned in the admit card. Anything missed out or misspelt must be taken to the notice of the respective school at the earliest. 'Candidate must check all particulars carefully and corrections, if any, be brought to the notice of the school immediately. Under no circumstances corrections in particulars will be entertained beyond one year of issue of pass certificate,' reads the admit card instructions issued by the Board.
CBSE Board Exam 2018: New Pass Mark Criteria
As a 'one time measure' for the candidates of this batch, the Board has decided to revise the pass marks as this batch is from a different assessment background while they were in class 9. As per the new relaxation in order to pass, a student has to secure total 33% (internal assessment and theory marks, taken together). Click here to read more.
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Date of Birth
The class 10 pass certificate will be your valid date of birth proof, for all official purposes henceforth. Hence soon after receiving the admit card check the date of birth.
Check your exam centre properly. Confirm it from your school mates. It is essential to know the exact location of the centre before the exam day.
Regarding Non Issuance Of Admit Cards
On the other hand, for schools where admit cards of students have been withheld due to poor performance in pre-board tests, CBSE has directed to release it. The Board has strictly asked schools to refrain from charging fees for admit cards. Schools must issue admit card to candidates enlisted in finalized list of candidates (LOC) for class 10, 12 board exams this year.
Jot down your roll number at few other places. Your roll number will be your identity till the examination process including the result declaration is over. For any communication with the Board, if required, you have to mention your roll number. Also while retrieving the CBSE results, roll number will be essential for logging into the portal.
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It is needless to say that students should go through the details mentioned in the admit card. Anything missed out or misspelt must be taken to the notice of the respective school at the earliest. 'Candidate must check all particulars carefully and corrections, if any, be brought to the notice of the school immediately. Under no circumstances corrections in particulars will be entertained beyond one year of issue of pass certificate,' reads the admit card instructions issued by the Board.
CBSE Board Exam 2018: New Pass Mark Criteria
As a 'one time measure' for the candidates of this batch, the Board has decided to revise the pass marks as this batch is from a different assessment background while they were in class 9. As per the new relaxation in order to pass, a student has to secure total 33% (internal assessment and theory marks, taken together). Click here to read more.
Know How To Write Perfect Answer For Board Exams
Date of Birth
The class 10 pass certificate will be your valid date of birth proof, for all official purposes henceforth. Hence soon after receiving the admit card check the date of birth.
Check your exam centre properly. Confirm it from your school mates. It is essential to know the exact location of the centre before the exam day.
Regarding Non Issuance Of Admit Cards
On the other hand, for schools where admit cards of students have been withheld due to poor performance in pre-board tests, CBSE has directed to release it. The Board has strictly asked schools to refrain from charging fees for admit cards. Schools must issue admit card to candidates enlisted in finalized list of candidates (LOC) for class 10, 12 board exams this year.
Jot down your roll number at few other places. Your roll number will be your identity till the examination process including the result declaration is over. For any communication with the Board, if required, you have to mention your roll number. Also while retrieving the CBSE results, roll number will be essential for logging into the portal.
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