
CBSE Biotechnology Exam Tomorrow, Check Important Questions Here

The Biotechnology exam for CBSE Class 12 is scheduled for March 21, 2025.

CBSE Biotechnology Exam Tomorrow, Check Important Questions Here
Students can visit the official website of the CBSE to check sample papers.
New Delhi:

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is conducting the Class 12 board exams for the 2025 academic year. The Biotechnology exam for Class 12 is scheduled for March 21, 2025. Students can visit the official website of the CBSE to check sample papers.

Here are some of the important questions from CBSE sample paper for Class 12 Biotechnology.

Who invented the dideoxynucleotide chain termination method? Schematically explain the method.

Why is the dye termination method considered better than chains termination technique? (Any two) Why is the autoradiogram read from bottom to top (anode to cathode)? Why do bacteria produce restriction enzymes and how do they protect their own DNA from its action?

Write the basic steps with principles (starting from an explant) involved in obtaining a regenerated plant. Suggest any two applications of plant tissue culture.

Indicate how intergeneric somatic hybrids can be made. Give an example. What are cybrids? How are edible vaccines advantageous over recombinant vaccines produced by bacterial fermentation?

A protein with molecular weight of 10,000 contains 4, 3, 2, and 1 charge. Calculate the m/z ratio of protein ions at which Mass spectrometer detects them. Draw the Mass spectrum corresponding to the above mentioned ions.

A doctor has to prescribe a protein rich diet to sportsmen to improve their performance. What are the three parameters that the doctor should consider while prescribing these protein sources?

Selection is an important step in genetic engineering. You are given ampicillin and tetracycline antibiotics. Using these antibiotics, which selection technique could be used to differentiate between recombinant and non-recombinant cells?

Which microbial cells have been used extensively for functional expression of eukaryotic genes and why?

Illustrate essential steps involved in raising a chimeric mouse using stem cell technology.

The gene for a eukaryotic polypeptide hormone was isolated, cloned and over-expressed in a bacterium. After the polypeptide was purified from the bacterium, it failed to function in the organism from which the gene was isolated. Suggest all the possibilities why the recombinant protein was inactive.

How does the charge relay system operate in chymotrypsin?