CBSE, this year, has gone the extra mile to help students overcome the fear of exam and help them with their preparations. Apart from the usual helpline and counselling options, CBSE, for the first time, has resorted to memes to connect with the students. The memes, while fun, are also informative about the ideal conduct during the exam, or what rules to follow etc.
CBSE, today, shared a meme around the idea of revision before the exam.
#examtime #examprep #plansmart #studywell #youcandoit #student #students #discipline #study #studysmart #boardexams #preparedness #amazing #keepitup #yougotthis@PIB_India @PIBHindi @HRDMinistry @DDNewslive @AkashvaniAIR @PTI_News @DrRPNishank @OfficeOfSDhotre pic.twitter.com/K3cHx77cYO
— CBSE HQ (@cbseindia29) February 21, 2020
However, it's not just all fun and CBSE has released revised sample papers, and marking scheme to help students understand the nature of questions which will be asked in the exam and how answers would be marked.
But that is not all. CBSE, through the DIKSHA app, has released question bank for practice for class 10 students. The program comprises of more than 2000 questions and answers for all core subjects. Students will be able to view step-by-step solution of questions.
However, the answers can be written in many different ways, and students do not necessarily need to follow the exact steps provided in the app.
Students will be able to open the app on mobile phone or on a laptop/computer system. The details to download and use the app are provided here.
CBSE Board exams began on February 15 this year with skill-based subjects. Tomorrow, i.e. on February 22, CBSE will hold exam for a few language papers for class 10 students and for Psychology for class 12 students.
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